T h e P a t h
t o N a t i o n a l S u i c i d e

 An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism

  by Lawrence Auster

ABC News, 58
affirmative action, 78
Africa, 31, 44, 71
“African-American,” 50
Afrocentrism, 50
American culture, 28, 36, 38-39
as political union, 30
characteristics of, 43-44
commonality, 2-3, 37, 44, 46
equalitarian attack on, 31-32
loss of continuity, 48
American nation, 19
as “nation of immigrants,” 77
American Revolution, 31
American society, 84
as materialistic, 51
as particular, 52
as ‘propositional,’ 52
openness of, 1
“Anglo-conformity,” 37-40, 42, 48
Anglo-Saxon liberties/traditions, 43-44
Arabs, 44, 71
Asia, 44, 63
Asian exclusion acts, 21
Asians, 11, 21-23, 24-25, 31, 49, 56
assimilation, 1, 14, 43-45, 49, 53
and ethnicity, 35, 46
cultural, 37-38
homogeneity, 58-61
structural, 37-38
theories of, 37
Assimilation in American Life (Gordon), 37-39
Athens, 77
Atlantic, 7, 30
Australia, 17
Babbitt, Irving, 10, 42, 65, 81
Berlin, Irving, 45
black separatism, 49-51
blacks, 24-25, 49-51, 66
Black Plague, 48
Bloom, Allan, 28, 62
Bonfire of the Vanities (Wolfe), 62
Book of Laughter and Forgetting, The (Kundera), 27
Bouvier, Leon, 23-25
Brokaw, Tom, 80
Burke, Edmund, 4
Burnham, James, 55
California, 49
Cambodians, 46, 80
Canada, 18, 43, 56n
Capra, Frank, 45
Catholics, 38, 43
China, 62
Chinese, 22, 60, 71, 73-74
Chronicles, 43
Churchill, Winston, 76
citizenship, 1, 83
Citizenship Without Consent (Schuck & Smith), 83
civil rights movement, 76
Cleopatra, 50
Closing of the American Mind (Bloom), 28
Columbia History of the World, 34
common law, 43
Confucius, 65
Crockett, Davy, 39
Cuomo, Mario, 61
cultural identity, 45-47, 52
loss of, 55-58
“cultural pluralism,” 37, 40
as particularist, 2
as universal/propositionist, 3
“Curriculum of Inclusion,” 31, 35, 42
Curtiz, Michael, 46
Davies, Robertson, 56n
Democracy and Leadership (Babbitt), 10
Declaration of Independence, 43
demographic projections, 24-25
Depression (Great), 59
desegregation (school), 78
Detlefsen, Robert, 64
discrimination, 17-20, 21
diversity, 8, 29
and preference for one’s own group, 69-71, 79
and imperialism, 54-56
and identitarianism, 70
confusion over meaning of, 41, 55
cultural, 28, 33
ethnic, 29
equality threatened by, 60-61
liberty threatened by, 61
Dubois, W.E.B., 50
education, 30-33
England, 19
English (language), 17
equality, 8, 17, 55, 63, 73-74
of cultures, 2, 18, 31-32, 40
of individuals before the law, 72
of rights, 12
racial, 72, 76, 78
threatened by diversity, 60-61
versus liberty, 72, 79
ethics, 79
Ethiopia, 19
ethnic studies, 57n
and assimilation, 35, 46
and homogeneity, 59
and imperialism, 54-56
and preference for one’s own group, 69-71
proportional representation of, 57-58
Ervin, Sam, 14, 16-20, 28, 74
Europe, 43, 48, 72
Europeans, 19, 60
Nordic (Northern), 11, 19
Fallows, James, 7, 30
family reunification, 12, 13, 15-18
Farrakhan, Louis, 50
Filipinos, 22
Flemming, Thomas, 51
Fong, Hyram, 21-22, 27
Ford Foundation, 33
Fortune, 16
Founding Fathers, 60
Fourteenth Amendment, 83
France, 19, 59, 73-74, 81
Francis, Samuel, 83
French Revolution, 48, 81
Germany, 19,
Gershwin, George, 45
Gide, André, 3
globalism, 55, 79-80
Goldwyn, Samuel, 45
Gordon, Milton M., 37-42, 44-45
Gould, Stephen Jay, 47n
Greece, 77
Hacker, Myra C., 14
Hamilton, Alexander, 53, 58
Harlem, 64
Handlin, Oscar, 59-60
Hannibal, 50
Harding, Vincent, 36
Harper’s, 56n
Harrison, Lawrence, 70
Hart, Philip, 14,
Harvard University, 45, 59, 65, 67
Hawaii, 21
Hecht, Ben, 46
Herberg, Will, 39, 42
heritage, importance of, 34
Hellas, 77
Hispanics, 24-25, 31, 49, 55
Holland, 19,
Hollywood, 46
Hwang, David M., 46-47
criteria of, 15-17, 19
illegal, 5
lack of public debate on, 7-8,
national origins quota (1921-1965), 11, 13, 59, 83
proposals for reform of, 82-84
Immigration Reform Act (1965), 10-26, 53
effect of, 22-26, 28
intent of, 7, 20-22, 27-28,
Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986), 5
India, 62
Indians (American), 24-25, 31, 49
Indochinese, 23,
integration (school), 78
intermarriage, 71
Irish, 18, 60
Israel, 48
Italians, 20
Jackson, Jesse, 50
James, Henry, 76
Japanese, 21, 60, 66
Jefferson, Thomas, 58-59
Jews, 38
Johnson, Lyndon, 11, 12
Kallen, Horace, 40
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 13,
Kennedy, Edward M., 12-13, 14,
Kennedy, John F., 12, 78
Kennedy, Robert F., 7, 9, 12, 14, 20-22, 74
Kennedy-Simpson bill (1989), 6, 18
Kenyon College, 32
Kishimoto, Yoriko, 27, 30, 57
Korea, 18, 62
Koreans, 23
Kotkin, Joel, 27, 30, 57
Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik von, 69-70
Kundera, Milan, 27
Lasch, Christopher, 4, 48, 79
Latin Americans, 44, 56, 62
Lee, Spike, 68-69
liberalism, 3, 15, 43
liberty (Anglo-Saxon), 43-44
threatened by diversity, 61
threatened by group equality, 72, 79
Lincoln, Abraham, 39
Locke, John, 43
Loewe, Frederick, 45
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 59
Lubitsch, Ernst, 45
Lukacs, John, 42, 56
“M. Butterfly” (Hwang), 46
Machievellians, The (Burnham), 55
Madison, James, 5, 72
Mayer, Louis, B., 45
Mayflower, 39
McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 11, 19, 21
McConnell, Scott, 16
McDougall, William, 63
“melting pot”, 37, 39
Mexico, 62
morality (as global), 78-80
Mosca, Gaetano, 72
multiculturalism, 1, 27-63
effect on core culture, 46-49, 53
in education, 30-33
NBC News, 80
Naipaul, V.S., 6
Nation of Islam, 66
nationhood (definition of), 34
National Endowment for the Arts, 33
“New Age,” 54
New Jersey Coalition, 14, 15,
New Oxford Review, 4
New Republic, 65
New York State Regents, 36
New York Times, 49, 57n, 60
New York University, 33
Ney, John, 41
Nisbet, Robert, 61, 78
Novak, Michael, 43
O’Rourke, P.J., 47n
Pacific Islanders, 24-25
Philippines, 18, 22, 62
Plato, 27
Polybius, 29
Portraits of White Racism (Wellman), 68
Postman, Neil, 33
Protestants, 38
meaning of, 64-75
as preference for one’s own group, 69-71, 74, 79
charges of, 8, 60, 63, 64-65, 67-70, 73
double standards in, 68-69, 73-74
“institutional”, 67-69
Ravitch, Diane, 33
Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke), 4
Republic, The (Plato), 27
Renan, Ernest, 34
Reynoso, Cruz, 30
individual, 3
group, 3
Rigoni, Florencio M., 5
Rockefeller Foundation, 33
Rome, 77
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 64, 71
Rusk, Dean, 21-23
Samoans, 66
Schuck, Peter H., 83
Scott, Hugh, 14
Second World War, The (Churchill), 76
segregation (school), 78
Select Committee on Immigration and Refugee Policy, 23
self-incrimination, privilege against, 43
Shakespeare, William, 77
Shi’ites, 41n, 46
Short, Thomas, 32
Smith, John, 39
Smith, Rogers M., 83
Sobol, Thomas, 31, 35, 41-42, 45n
Socrates, 50
Souls of Black Folk, The (DuBois), 50
Snyder, Jimmy “the Greek”, 67
Statue of Liberty, 11, 52
“structural pluralism”, 40
Study of History, A (Toynbee), 77
Sweden, 43
Thurmond, Strom, 74
Time, 10, 51, 55, 58
Toynbee, Arnold, 52, 77
Turn in the South (Naipaul), 6
U.S. English, 51
University of California (Berkeley), 22, 57n
Wall Street Journal, 5
Washington, George, 39
Webster’s Dictionary, 66
Wellman, David T., 68
whites, 24-25, 46-47, 49, 66
differing national backgrounds, 60
vilification of, 31, 57, 65
Wilder, Billy, 46
Wings of the Dove, The (James), 76
Wirtz, Willard, 21-22
Wolfe, Tom, 62
xenophobia, 70, 84
Yale University, 83


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