T h e P a t h
t o N a t i o n a l S u i c i d e

 An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism

  by Lawrence Auster


  1. Joel Kotkin and Yoriko Kishimoto, The Third Century: America’s Resurgence in the Asian Era, Crown, New York, 1988, p.2

  2. John Lukacs, Immigration and Migration—A Historical Perspective, American Immigration Control Foundation, Monterey, Virginia, 1986, p. 17.

  3. James Fallows, “Asia: Nobody wants a melting pot,” U.S. News & World Report, June 22, 1987, p. 39.

  4. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Hearings on Immigration Reform Act of 1965, 2/10/65 to 3/11/65.

  5. Ibid., p. 8.

  6. Ibid., p. 136.

  7. Ibid., p. 224.

  8. Ibid., p. 29.

  9. Ibid., pp. 681-83.

10. Ibid., p. 11.

11. Scott McConnell, “The New Battle over Immigration,” Fortune, May 9,1988, p. 98.

12. Senate Hearings, p. 66.

13. Ibid., p. 29.

14. Ibid., pp. 62-63, 67, 20, 108.

15. Ibid., pp. 216-17.

16. Ibid., p. 71.

17. Scott McConnell, op. cit., p. 94.

18. Hearings, pp. 119-120.

19. “Future Asian Population of the U.S.,” in Pacific Bridges, The New Immigration from Asia and the Pacific Islands, James T. Fawcett and Benjamin V. Carino, Center for Migration Studies, Staten Island, New York, 1987, p. 291.

20. James S. Gibney, “The Berkeley Squeeze,” The New Republic, April 11, 1988.

21. “The Growing Asian Presence in the Tri-State Region,” United Way of Tri-State, New York, 1989.

22. Leon F. Bouvier, Old Dominion University, unpublished figures, 1989.

23. Leon F. Bouvier and Gary B. Davis, Immigration and the Future Racial Composition of the United States, The Center for Immigration Research and Education, Alexandria, Virginia, 1982.

24. Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1987, pp. 31-32.

25. Polybius, The Rise of the Roman Empire, Penguin Classics, 1979, p. 341.

26. Kotkin and Kishimoto, op. cit., pp. xiv, 7.

27. James Fallows, “Immigration: How It’s Affecting Us,” The Atlantic, October 1983.

28. Lawrence Auster, “The Regents’ Round Table,” National Review, December 8, 1989, pp. 18-21. (A longer version of this article may be found in Measure, University Centers for Rational Alternatives, New York, October/November 1989). Quotations from “A Curriculum of Inclusion,” The Commissioner’s Task Force on Minorities—Equity and Excellence, New York State Department of Education, Albany, New York, 1989.)

29. Thomas Short, “‘Diversity’ and ‘Breaking the Disciplines,’” Academic Questions, Summer 1988, p. 11.

30. Neil Postman, “Learning by Story,” The Atlantic, December 1989, p. 122.

31. Ernest Renan, “Qu’est qu’une Nation?” (1882), in French Literature of the Nineteenth Century, eds. R.F. Bradley and R.B. Michell, F.S. Crofts & Company, New York, 1935, p. 284 (translated by LA).

32. Columbia History of the World, eds. John A. Garraty and Peter Gay, Harper & Row, New York, 1981, p. 49.

33. Thomas Sobol, Caswell Memorial Conference, Columbia University Teachers College, October 20, 1989.

34. “Regents Policy Paper and Proposed Action Plan for Bilingual Education,” New York State Regents, Albany, New York, 1988.

35. Milton M. Gordon, Assimilation in American Life, The Role of Race, Religion, and National Origins, Oxford University Press, New York, 1964, pp. 109-114.

36. Gordon, op. cit., p. 127.

37. Will Herberg, Protestant—Catholic—Jew, Doubleday, New York, 1955, pp. 33-34, quoted in Gordon, op. cit., p. 128.

38. Horace Kallen, Americanism and Its Makers, pp. 13-14, in Gordon, op. cit., p. 147.

39. Gordon, op. cit., p. 148.

40. Gordon, op. cit., p. 159.

41. John Ney, “Miami Today—the U.S. Tomorrow,” American Im- migration Control Foundation, Monterey, Virginia, 1989, p. 12.

42. Thomas Sobol, New York State Commissioner of Education, “Strengthening Students’ Understanding of One Another, Our Culture, and the World,” proposal approved by New York State Board of Regents, February 16, 1990, p. 13.

43. Irving Babbitt, Democracy and Leadership, Liberty Classics, Indianapolis, 1924, 1979, p. 47.

44. Lukacs, op. cit., p. 21.

45. Michael Novak, The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics; Politics and Culture in the Seventies, Macmillan, New York, 1972, p. 170.

46. Thomas Fleming, “Government of the People,” Chronicles, March 1990, p. 12.

47. Bloom, op. cit., p. 27.

48. Lawrence Harrison, “We Don’t Cause Latin America’s Troubles—Latin Culture Does,” The Washington Post, June 29,1986.

49. Ibid.

50. Jeremy Gerard, “David Hwang, Riding on the Hyphen,” The New York Times Magazine, March 13, 1988, p. 89.

51. William A. Henry III, “When East and West Collide,” Time, August 14, 1989, p. 64.

52. Christopher Lasch, “The Obsolescence of Left and Right,” New Oxford Review, April 1989, p. 9.

53. Donald Lazere, “. . . and the Open Mind,” The New York Times Book Review, December 17, 1989.

54. W.E. Burghardt DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk, New American Library, New York, 1969, p. 49.

55. Melvin Dixon, “Regaining Africa,” The New York Times Book Review, January 7, 1990.

56. Thomas Fleming, “The Real American Dilemma,” Chronicles, March 1989, p. 9.

57. “The Changing Face of America,” Time, July 8, 1985, p. 31.

58. Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History, (abridgement of vols. I-VI by D.C. Somervell), Oxford University Press, New York, 1947, p. 40.

59. Ana Celia Zentella, speech at meeting of “English Plus” organization, Hunter College, New York, January 22, 1988.

60. Alexander Hamilton, “Examination of Jefferson’s Message to Congress of December 7, 1801,” in The Founders of the Republic on Immigration, Naturalization and Aliens, eds. Madison Grant and Charles Stewart Davison, Scribners, New York, 1928, p. 52.

61. “A Latin Wave Hits the Mainstream,” Time, July 11, 1988, p. 49.

62. Ney, op. cit., p. 7.

63. Lukacs, op. cit., p. 18.

64. Kotkin and Kishimoto, op. cit., p. 228.

65. Hamilton, op. cit., pp. 49-50.

66. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query VIII, in The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Modern Library, New York, 1944, pp. 217-18.

67. A. Lawrence Lowell, Public Opinion and Popular Government, in Wayne Lutton’s “The Myth of Open Borders: The American Tradition of Immigration Control,” American Immigration Control Foundation, Monterey, Virginia, 1988.

68. Oscar Handlin, Race and Nationality in American Life, Little, Brown, Boston, 1957, pp. 177, 187.

69. Thomas Sowell, Ethnic America: A History, Basic Books, New York, 1981.

70. Lawrence Harrison, Underdevelopment Is a State of Mind: ‘The Latin American Case, University Press of America, 1988.

71. “Iceland: Proud, Isolated,” The New York Times, October 1, 1986, Sec. I, p. 10.

72. Robert A. Nisbet, “The New Despotism,” in The Politicization of Society, ed. Kenneth S. Templeton, Jr., Liberty Press, Indianapolis, 1975, pp. 167-207.

73. Chester E. Finn, Jr., “The Campus: ‘An Island of Repression in a Sea of Freedom,’” Commentary, September 1989, pp. 17-23.

74. William McDougall, Is America Safe for Democracy?, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1921 (reprinted Arno Press, New York, 1977), p. v.

75. Irving Babbitt, Democracy and Leadership, Liberty Classics, Indianapolis, 1979.

76. See Handlin, op. cit., p. 91.

77. David T. Wellman, Portraits of White Racism, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1977.

78. “Right Thing Sends Wrong Signal,” Insight, July 10, 1989.

79. Erik von Kuenelt-Leddihn, “Xenophobia on the March,” National Review, January 22, 1990, p. 44.

80. Gaetano Mosca, The Ruling Class, in James Burnham, The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom, Gateway Editions, Washington, D.C., 1943, 1987, p. 125.

81. Senate Hearings, op. cit., p. 226.

82. Ibid., p. 158.

83. U.S. Senate proceedings, September 17, 1965, in Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 89th Congress, 1st session, 1965, p. 478.

84. Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History (abridgement of vols. I-VI by B.C. Somervell), pp. 307-317.

85. Christopher Lasch, “The Obsolescence of Left and Right,” New Oxford Review, April 1989, p. 13.

86. Babbitt, op. cit., p. 206.

87. Samuel Francis, “Principalities & Powers,” Chronicles, December 1989, p. 10.

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